
2020年11月12日—3uToolsforWindows/macOS.WindowsmacOSDetail·3uToolsforiOS...AppleintroducedthefirstMacBookAir,MacBookPro,andMacminiwithM1 ...,2023年3月6日—3uToolsisanall-in-oneMacprogram.TheappisbrimmingwithfeaturesthatenablemacOSuserstoview,compress,andorganizemultimediafiles ...,3uToolsdoesnotworkonMac.Itsupportswindowsrunningdevicesonly.Anywayyoucanfindsimilaralternativesto3uToolswhichsupport...

Apple Silicon M1 Chip in MacBook Air Outperforms High

2020年11月12日 — 3uTools for Windows/macOS. Windows macOS Detail · 3uTools for iOS ... Apple introduced the first MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini with M1 ...

3Tools for Mac

2023年3月6日 — 3uTools is an all-in-one Mac program. The app is brimming with features that enable macOS users to view, compress, and organize multimedia files ...

3UTools MAC

3uTools does not work on Mac. It supports windows running devices only. Any way you can find similar alternatives to 3uTools which support Mac operating system.

Download 3Tools 2.65.003 for Mac

2023年12月1日 — 3uTools is a free iOS device manager that lets you connect your iPhone device to your PC to manage different settings and features. While the ...


Step 1. Download and install “3uTools for Windows/macOS” ; Step 2. Open the 3uTools and connect the mobile device to the computer using a data cable ; Step 3.

How do I use 3UTool on a Mac?

2023年7月23日 — You can't run 3utools on a Mac because they haven't released a MacOS version of it. I guess you always have most of the functionally built into ...